Effects of Different Levels of Phosphorous and Nitrogen Fertilizers on Yield of German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.) Under Semi Arid Climatic Conditions



German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.) is an annual plant from the compositeae family. Effects of three levels of urea (0, 40, 80 Kg.ha-1) and triple super phosphate (0, 30, 60 [Kg.ha-1) on the yield and essential oil production of chamomile was investigated. The experiment was a factorial on the basis of randomized complete block design with three replications conducted at Shaded University. Results showed that there was a significant effect of nitrogen fertilization on plant yield (number of flower and dry weight in bush) at the level of %1. Urea at 80 kg/ha resulted in the highest amount of yield by producing 742.2 number of flower and 20.63 g in each bush in comparison with control treatment with 507.06 number of flower and 10.06g in per bush. Phosphorous treatment at 60 kg/ha resulted in the highest amount of yield at 816.26 number of flower and 30.14g in per bush, respectively. Hence, use of 80 kg/ha urea and 60 kg/ha phosphorous is recommended for the highest amount of yield and essence.
