Effects of manganese and zinc sulfate fertilizers on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of three irrigated wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties in Khorram Abad



This study investigated the effects of different levels of manganese and zinc sulfate on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of three irrigated wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties in the Abstan region of Zagheh section of Khorramabad city in 2008-2009. The experiment was performed factorially on the basis of a randomized complete block design with three replications. Treatments included: I) control (no fertilizer), II) 45 kg/ha magnesium sulfate + 25 kg/ha zinc sulfate), III) 90 kg/ha magnesium sulfate + 50 kg/ha zinc sulfate, applied to the soil at planting onto three irrigated wheat varieties including Bahar, Shiraz and Pyshtaz, which are adopted to the cold climate. The results showed that the highest and the lowest Zn concentration in the seeds was related to treatments II for Shiraz and control for Bahar at 29.32 and 23.67 mg/kg, respectively. The highest and the lowest concentrations of Mn were related to treatment III and control for the Bahar variety at 67.77 and 52.33 mg/kg, respectively. The highest and the lowest protein content in the grains was resulted by treatment III for Pyshtaz and control for Bahar at 21.41 and 12.41%, respectively. The highest and the lowest seed yield was related to treatment II for Shiraz and control for Bahar at 7.383 and 5.794 tons per hectare, respectively.
