Identification of Rust resistance among wheat cultiras using SSRs markers



The knowledge of genetic diversity is a must to reduce genetic vulnerability during plant breeding efforts. In the present study 34 pairs microsatellite markers were used for germplasm analysis, estimation of the genetic relationship with the method of Nei and Lee and diversity and studying the capabiltiy of microsatellite marker between 4 resistant and sensitive wheat genotypes. Cluster analysis was achived uisng Nei and Lee similarity and UPGMA clustering method. The average of genetic diversity (DI) and genetic similarity was equal to 0.53 and 0.255, respectivly. The highest levels of genetic similarity (0.527) for the genotypes were found in Roshan and Tabasi, and the lowest (0.117) was realted to Tabasi and Iniea. The number of alleles per microsatellite marker varied from 1 to 7 (average of 3) and a total of 101 alleles were detected. The result showed that all of the genotpye could be distinguished and clustered into two different groups (resistant and sensitive). The results suggest that microsatellite markers can be used as efficient tools for estimating genetic diversity and segregation in resistant and sensitive wheat cultivars.
