Effects of Phosphate Fertilizer and Less Irrigation on Grain Yield of the Forage Millet



In order to study the effect of phosphorus fertilizer and less irrigation on grain yield of the forage Millet, an experiment was carried out in 2010. The experimenta design was the split plot based on a randomized complete block with three replications. The main factor was two varieties of forage millet (Bastan - Pishahang), three levels of less-irrigation as sub plot (non-stress conditions, water cut stage BBCH 55 and cut the water stage BBCH 65) and sub-sub plots with three levels of super phosphate fertilizer of Triple before planting (no Triple superphosphate fertilizer, superphosphate fertilizer Triple as 100 kg/ha and superphosphate of triple as 200 kg/ha). The results showed that the amount of carbohydrates and sodium in millet shoots under was influenced by millet varieties and less irrigation, respectively, and it was it was statistically significant at 1 and 5 per cent levels. Also the percentage of dry weight was affected by cultivar and less irrigation was significant at 1% level. Also the plant dried weight under the influence of triple superphosphate was significantly different at 1% level. Generally, maximum amount of carbohydrates, percentage of plant dried weight, and the amount of sodium in the bastan variety (23.71%, 57.79% and 4.75 PPM) and at BBCH 55, respectively (22.69&, 62.58% and PPM 4.58) compared to the Pishahang and other stress treatments were observed. The highest of crude fiber content under less irrigation was observed at the BBCH 65 to 25.87%, respectively. Whereas the maximum amount of ash in shoots was observed in non stress condition and the highest level of crude protein was observed in Pishahang equal to 13.9%. In addition, the highest dry weight of triple superphosphate fertilizer at the rate of 200 kilograms per hectare, was equal to 397.24 mg was compared to other fertilizer treatments.
