Keyword Index


  • Agriculture section The comparison and classification of the provinces according to horticulture sub-sector indices [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 89-102]
  • Agroforestry Effects of nitrogen fertilizer application and sowing density on forage quality and weed population of corn (Zea mays L.) in an agroforestry system [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 25-38]
  • Agronomic traits Study of Root Colonization Percentage of Grain Sorghum Cultivars by Two Species of Mycorrhizal Fungi and Its Effect on Some Morphological and Agronomic Traits [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 25-36]
  • Agropyron Effect of irrigation periods on the yield of two Agropyron species [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 69-78]
  • Ammonium Growth of Brachiaria brizantha under different pH and nitrogen forms in hydroponics culture [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 59-67]
  • Annual medics Effect of Genestein Concentration on Nodulation and Nitrogen Content of Three Annual Medic Species in Low Root Zone Temperature [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 15-26]
  • Anthocyanins Evaluation of Water Deficit on Morphological and Physiological Traits of Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L.) [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 1-12]
  • Aquatic Heteroptera A study on the fauna of Heteroptera in aquatic ecosystems, with emphasize on aquatic and semi-aquatic bugs in paddy fields and around streams [Volume 3, Issue 7, 2011, Pages 89-96]
  • Autumn sowing Effects of Freezing Stress )in vitro) on Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Ecotypes [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 27-34]


  • Barley Evaluation of Barley (Hordeum vulgare) and Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) Intercropping Systems Using Advantageous Indices of Intercropping under Weed Interference Conditions [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 1-12]
  • Barley Evaluation of Tolerance to Terminal Moisture Stress in 20 Barley Promising Lines [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 79-92]
  • BBCH Effects of Phosphate Fertilizer and Less Irrigation on Grain Yield of the Forage Millet [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 27-38]
  • Biological function Using Earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris) to enhance tea (Camellia sinensis L.) yield [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 77-83]
  • Biological Yield The Integrated Control of Maize (Zea mays L.) Weeds and Its Effect on Yield and Growth Index [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 61-72]
  • Boric acid The study of effect of zinc and boron foliar application on yield, yield components, seed oil and protein content and growth indices of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) in Khorramabad climatic conditions [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 1-16]
  • Brachiaria brizantha Growth of Brachiaria brizantha under different pH and nitrogen forms in hydroponics culture [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 59-67]
  • Brasicaceae Effect of green manure on the soil organic matter and nitrogen [Volume 3, Issue 7, 2011, Pages 41-52]


  • Calcium carbonate Growth of Brachiaria brizantha under different pH and nitrogen forms in hydroponics culture [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 59-67]
  • Calendula officinal is Effects of Planting Date and Different Amounts of Nitrogen Fertilizer on the Yield and Yield Components of Two Marigold Varieties (Calendula Officinalis) [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 103-118]
  • Canola (Brassica napus L.) Evaluation of Genetic Diversity among 49 Canola (Brassica napus L.) Genotypes in Golestan Province [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 49-60]
  • Chickpea Evaluation of Barley (Hordeum vulgare) and Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) Intercropping Systems Using Advantageous Indices of Intercropping under Weed Interference Conditions [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 1-12]
  • Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Effects of Freezing Stress )in vitro) on Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Ecotypes [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 27-34]
  • Chilo suppressalis Population Dynamics of Immature Stages of Chilo suppressalis Walker (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) on Different Rice Varieties in Mazandaran, Iran [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 73-84]
  • Chlorophyll Evaluation of Water Deficit on Morphological and Physiological Traits of Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L.) [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 1-12]
  • Coleoptera Fauna of Some Beetles (Coleoptera) in North Rice Fields of Iran [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 79-90]
  • Competition index Evaluation of Barley (Hordeum vulgare) and Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) Intercropping Systems Using Advantageous Indices of Intercropping under Weed Interference Conditions [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 1-12]
  • Corn The effects plant density and cultivar on yield and yield component of corn (Zea mays L.) [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 43-52]
  • Corn Effect of on-farm seed priming and irrigation interval the on growth indices of two corn cultivars (Zea mays L.) [Volume 3, Issue 7, 2011, Pages 67-88]
  • Corn The effects of different time of weed control on yield and yield components of corn (Zea mays L.) Hybrids in different densities [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 67-78]
  • Corn (Zea mays L.) Grain Yield The Integrated Control of Maize (Zea mays L.) Weeds and Its Effect on Yield and Growth Index [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 61-72]
  • Correlation Study of heritability, path and factor analysis in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 67-78]
  • Crop loss assessment Resistance Evaluation of Different Rice Varieties to Naranga aenescens Moore [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 1-12]
  • Crude protein Comparison of Quantitative and Qualitative Traits of Different Forage Vetch Species Under Rain-Fed and Supplemental Irrigation Conditions [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 13-26]
  • Cultivars The effects plant density and cultivar on yield and yield component of corn (Zea mays L.) [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 43-52]
  • Cultivars of red bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Effects of Sowing Date and Plant Density on Yield and its Components and Percentage of Seed Protein in Cultivars of Red Bean (phaseolus vulgaris L.) [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 1-14]
  • Cultivation The Integrated Control of Maize (Zea mays L.) Weeds and Its Effect on Yield and Growth Index [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 61-72]


  • Dorsun Abad Population flactuations of the sunn pest, Eurygaster integriceps (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) in the wheat and barley fields, and introducing of its important parasitoids in aestivation and hibernation shelters in Varamin and Shahre Rey, Iran [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2011, Pages 79-91]
  • Drought resistance indices Evaluation of Tolerance to Terminal Moisture Stress in 20 Barley Promising Lines [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 79-92]
  • Drought stress Agronomical Traits and Yield of Sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) New Hybrids under Drought Stress [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 1-12]
  • Drought stress Comparison of qualitative and quantitative traits and tolerance indices of sunflower cultivars under drought stress and non-stress conditions [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 15-26]
  • Drought stress Effect of hydro-priming on germination properties and seedling growth of the safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) under drought stress [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 63-76]
  • Dry farming Yield and Yield Components of Forage Vetch (Vicia spp.) as Affected by Different Plant Density and Species [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 35-48]
  • Dry farming Effect of plant density on the stomata morphological structure and forage yield in three species of forage yield vetch (Vicia sp.) under dry farming conditions of khorramabad [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 17-32]


  • Earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris) Using Earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris) to enhance tea (Camellia sinensis L.) yield [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 77-83]
  • Economic evaluation-Medicinal pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.)-Intercropping- chickpea-Lentil Economic Evaluation of Medicinal pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L. var. Styriac)/ Chickpea-Lentil Intercropping System Associated With Several Nitrogen Levels [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 53-62]
  • Eradicane The Integrated Control of Maize (Zea mays L.) Weeds and Its Effect on Yield and Growth Index [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 61-72]
  • Esmail Abad Population flactuations of the sunn pest, Eurygaster integriceps (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) in the wheat and barley fields, and introducing of its important parasitoids in aestivation and hibernation shelters in Varamin and Shahre Rey, Iran [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2011, Pages 79-91]
  • Essential oil Effects of Different Levels of Phosphorous and Nitrogen Fertilizers on Yield of German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.) Under Semi Arid Climatic Conditions [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 39-48]


  • Factor analysis Evaluation of Genetic Diversity of Primary Tritipyrum, Triticale and Bread Wheat Genotypes [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 93-112]
  • Fauna Fauna of Some Beetles (Coleoptera) in North Rice Fields of Iran [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 79-90]
  • Foliar application The study of effect of zinc and boron foliar application on yield, yield components, seed oil and protein content and growth indices of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) in Khorramabad climatic conditions [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 1-16]
  • Forage and seed yield Yield and Yield Components of Forage Vetch (Vicia spp.) as Affected by Different Plant Density and Species [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 35-48]
  • Forage sorghum The Effect of Weeding and Plant Density on Yield and Yield Components of Forage Sorghum Cultivars [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 39-52]
  • Forage vetch (Vicia sp.) Effect of plant density on the stomata morphological structure and forage yield in three species of forage yield vetch (Vicia sp.) under dry farming conditions of khorramabad [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 17-32]
  • Forage vetch (Vicia spp.) Yield and Yield Components of Forage Vetch (Vicia spp.) as Affected by Different Plant Density and Species [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 35-48]
  • Freezing stress Effects of Freezing Stress )in vitro) on Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Ecotypes [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 27-34]


  • Genestein Effect of Genestein Concentration on Nodulation and Nitrogen Content of Three Annual Medic Species in Low Root Zone Temperature [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 15-26]
  • Genetic Similarity Identification of Rust resistance among wheat cultiras using SSRs markers [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 79-88]
  • Ghaleh Nou and Nazar Abad from 25th March 2009 to 10th Population flactuations of the sunn pest, Eurygaster integriceps (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) in the wheat and barley fields, and introducing of its important parasitoids in aestivation and hibernation shelters in Varamin and Shahre Rey, Iran [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2011, Pages 79-91]
  • Golestan Fauna of Some Beetles (Coleoptera) in North Rice Fields of Iran [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 79-90]
  • Grain sorghum Study of Root Colonization Percentage of Grain Sorghum Cultivars by Two Species of Mycorrhizal Fungi and Its Effect on Some Morphological and Agronomic Traits [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 25-36]
  • Grain yield and yield componenet The effect of nitrogen pellet fertilizer on the grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency in corn (Zea mays L.), S.C 704 [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 27-38]
  • Graminaeae Effect of green manure on the soil organic matter and nitrogen [Volume 3, Issue 7, 2011, Pages 41-52]
  • Growth Effect of different rate of silicate fertilizer on the growth and yield of Tarom Hashemi rice variety [Volume 3, Issue 7, 2011, Pages 28-40]
  • Growth index Evaluation of the effective morpho-physiological indices on the yield of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) using multivariate statistical methods [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 55-66]
  • Growth progressive curve Evaluation of partial resistance to Magnaporthe grisea Sacc. in rice cultivars at the seedling stage under upland nursery and greenhouse conditions [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 31-42]
  • Guilan Fauna of Some Beetles (Coleoptera) in North Rice Fields of Iran [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 79-90]


  • Helianthus annuus Effect of ray flower deleting on the unfilled grain and yield of two sunflower cultivars (Helianthas annuus L.) [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 53-62]
  • Herbicide The Integrated Control of Maize (Zea mays L.) Weeds and Its Effect on Yield and Growth Index [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 61-72]
  • Heritability Evaluation of Diversity and Heritability of Some Morphological Traits in Bread Wheat under Stress and Normal Conditions [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 37-54]
  • Horticulture sub-sector The comparison and classification of the provinces according to horticulture sub-sector indices [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 89-102]
  • Humidity stress Evaluation of Diversity and Heritability of Some Morphological Traits in Bread Wheat under Stress and Normal Conditions [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 37-54]
  • Hybrid Agronomical Traits and Yield of Sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) New Hybrids under Drought Stress [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 1-12]
  • Hydroponics Growth of Brachiaria brizantha under different pH and nitrogen forms in hydroponics culture [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 59-67]
  • Hyssop Evaluation of Water Deficit on Morphological and Physiological Traits of Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L.) [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 1-12]


  • Immature stages Population Dynamics of Immature Stages of Chilo suppressalis Walker (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) on Different Rice Varieties in Mazandaran, Iran [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 73-84]
  • Intercropping Evaluation of Barley (Hordeum vulgare) and Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) Intercropping Systems Using Advantageous Indices of Intercropping under Weed Interference Conditions [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 1-12]
  • Iran A study on the fauna of Heteroptera in aquatic ecosystems, with emphasize on aquatic and semi-aquatic bugs in paddy fields and around streams [Volume 3, Issue 7, 2011, Pages 89-96]
  • Iranian rice (Oryza sativa L.) Resistance of Iranian rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes to NaCl stress [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 49-58]
  • Irrigation period Effect of irrigation periods on the yield of two Agropyron species [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 69-78]


  • Keywords: BAP Optimization of conditions for morphogenic callus production and regeneration of carrot (Daucus carota L.) [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 79-89]
  • Keywords: Blast disease Evaluation of partial resistance to Magnaporthe grisea Sacc. in rice cultivars at the seedling stage under upland nursery and greenhouse conditions [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 31-42]
  • Keywords: Cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) How duration and methods of priming may affect the germination of cumin seeds (Cuminum cyminum L.) [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 23-30]
  • Keywords: lentil (lens culinaris cv. Gachsaran) The effects of diferent fertilization methods on seed yield and yield components of lentil (lens culinaris) under Khorramabad climatic condition, Iran [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 1-14]
  • Key words: low input Effect of foliar application of micro-nutrients on some agronomic characteristics of the safflower under conventional and ecological cropping systems [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2011, Pages 15-25]
  • Keywords: on-farm seed priming Effect of on-farm seed priming and irrigation interval the on growth indices of two corn cultivars (Zea mays L.) [Volume 3, Issue 7, 2011, Pages 67-88]
  • Keywords: plant density Effects of plant density on the quantitative yield of different corn (Zea mays L.) cultivars under the climatic conditions of Khorram Abad [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 15-22]
  • Key words: production function Determine the best model to predict soybean yield in Mazandaran [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 1-14]
  • Keywords: spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Evaluation of the effective morpho-physiological indices on the yield of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) using multivariate statistical methods [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 55-66]
  • Keywords: tolerance Evaluation of drought tolerance in different genotypes of the safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) [Volume 3, Issue 7, 2011, Pages 1-14]
  • Keywords: water deficit Effect of Plant Density and Water Deficit on the Growth, Yield and Yield Component of Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2011, Pages 27-39]
  • Keywords: Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Study of heritability, path and factor analysis in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 67-78]


  • Land equivalent ratio Evaluation of Barley (Hordeum vulgare) and Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) Intercropping Systems Using Advantageous Indices of Intercropping under Weed Interference Conditions [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 1-12]
  • Leaf damage Effects of Freezing Stress )in vitro) on Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Ecotypes [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 27-34]
  • Leguminoseae Effect of green manure on the soil organic matter and nitrogen [Volume 3, Issue 7, 2011, Pages 41-52]
  • Lens culinaris The effect of different fertilizing methods on the protein and phosphorus contents and grain yield of the lentil (Lens culinaris Medic.) in Khorramabad climatic condition, Iran [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2011, Pages 1-13]
  • Lentil The effect of different fertilizing methods on the protein and phosphorus contents and grain yield of the lentil (Lens culinaris Medic.) in Khorramabad climatic condition, Iran [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2011, Pages 1-13]
  • Lentil (Lens culinaris Med.) cultivar Effects of Magnesium Sulfate Application and Cultivar on Yield and Yield Components of lentil (Lens culinaris Med.) under Khorramabad Climatic Condition [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 13-24]
  • Less irrigation Effects of Phosphate Fertilizer and Less Irrigation on Grain Yield of the Forage Millet [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 27-38]
  • Low root temperature Effect of Genestein Concentration on Nodulation and Nitrogen Content of Three Annual Medic Species in Low Root Zone Temperature [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 15-26]


  • Manganese Effect of foliar application of micro-nutrients on some agronomic characteristics of the safflower under conventional and ecological cropping systems [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2011, Pages 15-25]
  • Manganese sulfate Effects of manganese and zinc sulfate fertilizers on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of three irrigated wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties in Khorram Abad [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 33-42]
  • Matricaria recutita Effects of Different Levels of Phosphorous and Nitrogen Fertilizers on Yield of German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.) Under Semi Arid Climatic Conditions [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 39-48]
  • Mazandaran Population Dynamics of Immature Stages of Chilo suppressalis Walker (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) on Different Rice Varieties in Mazandaran, Iran [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 73-84]
  • Mazandaran Fauna of Some Beetles (Coleoptera) in North Rice Fields of Iran [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 79-90]
  • Mazandaran Determine the best model to predict soybean yield in Mazandaran [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 1-14]
  • Medicago scutellata Effect of phosphate biofertilizer Barvar-2 and triple super phosphate fertilizer on yield, quality and nutrient uptake of Medicago scutellata, cv. Robinson [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 43-54]
  • Microsatellite Identification of Rust resistance among wheat cultiras using SSRs markers [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 79-88]
  • Millet Effects of Phosphate Fertilizer and Less Irrigation on Grain Yield of the Forage Millet [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 27-38]
  • Model fitting Model Fitting of Growth Pattern of Sunflower Head in Lakomka and Progress Varieties Under Dryland Condition [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 65-76]
  • Mycorrhiza Study of Root Colonization Percentage of Grain Sorghum Cultivars by Two Species of Mycorrhizal Fungi and Its Effect on Some Morphological and Agronomic Traits [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 25-36]


  • NaCl stress Resistance of Iranian rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes to NaCl stress [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 49-58]
  • Naranga aenescens Resistance Evaluation of Different Rice Varieties to Naranga aenescens Moore [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 1-12]
  • Nitrogen Effects of Different Levels of Phosphorous and Nitrogen Fertilizers on Yield of German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.) Under Semi Arid Climatic Conditions [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 39-48]
  • Nitrogen Effect of green manure on the soil organic matter and nitrogen [Volume 3, Issue 7, 2011, Pages 41-52]
  • Nitrogen content Effect of Genestein Concentration on Nodulation and Nitrogen Content of Three Annual Medic Species in Low Root Zone Temperature [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 15-26]
  • Nitrogen Use Efficiency The effect of nitrogen pellet fertilizer on the grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency in corn (Zea mays L.), S.C 704 [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 27-38]
  • Nodulation Effect of Genestein Concentration on Nodulation and Nitrogen Content of Three Annual Medic Species in Low Root Zone Temperature [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 15-26]
  • Nonlinear regression Model Fitting of Growth Pattern of Sunflower Head in Lakomka and Progress Varieties Under Dryland Condition [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 65-76]


  • Oil percentage Effect of Soil Salinity Stress on Some Vegetative and Reproductive Traits of Sunflower Oil Varieties in Mahabad Conditions [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 55-66]
  • Oily Sunflower Evaluation of Genetic Diversity and Classification of Sunflower Recombinant Inbred Lines Using Agro-Morphological Traits [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 77-87]


  • Paddy fields A study on the fauna of Heteroptera in aquatic ecosystems, with emphasize on aquatic and semi-aquatic bugs in paddy fields and around streams [Volume 3, Issue 7, 2011, Pages 89-96]
  • Pellet The effect of nitrogen pellet fertilizer on the grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency in corn (Zea mays L.), S.C 704 [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 27-38]
  • Phenotypic and genotypic correlations Evaluation of Genetic Diversity of Primary Tritipyrum, Triticale and Bread Wheat Genotypes [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 93-112]
  • Phenotypic correlation Evaluation of Genetic Diversity and Classification of Sunflower Recombinant Inbred Lines Using Agro-Morphological Traits [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 77-87]
  • Phosphate Biofertilizer Barvar-2 Effect of phosphate biofertilizer Barvar-2 and triple super phosphate fertilizer on yield, quality and nutrient uptake of Medicago scutellata, cv. Robinson [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 43-54]
  • Phosphorous Effects of Different Levels of Phosphorous and Nitrogen Fertilizers on Yield of German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.) Under Semi Arid Climatic Conditions [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 39-48]
  • Phosphorus The effect of different fertilizing methods on the protein and phosphorus contents and grain yield of the lentil (Lens culinaris Medic.) in Khorramabad climatic condition, Iran [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2011, Pages 1-13]
  • Plant density Effects of Sowing Date and Plant Density on Yield and its Components and Percentage of Seed Protein in Cultivars of Red Bean (phaseolus vulgaris L.) [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 1-14]
  • Plant density Effect of plant density on the stomata morphological structure and forage yield in three species of forage yield vetch (Vicia sp.) under dry farming conditions of khorramabad [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 17-32]
  • Plant density The effects plant density and cultivar on yield and yield component of corn (Zea mays L.) [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 43-52]
  • Plant density Effect of Plant Density and Water Deficit on the Growth, Yield and Yield Component of Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2011, Pages 27-39]
  • Plant survival Effects of Freezing Stress )in vitro) on Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Ecotypes [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 27-34]
  • Population dynamics Population Dynamics of Immature Stages of Chilo suppressalis Walker (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) on Different Rice Varieties in Mazandaran, Iran [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 73-84]
  • Population flactuations of the sunn pest Population flactuations of the sunn pest, Eurygaster integriceps (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) in the wheat and barley fields, and introducing of its important parasitoids in aestivation and hibernation shelters in Varamin and Shahre Rey, Iran [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2011, Pages 79-91]
  • Primery tritipyrum Evaluation of Genetic Diversity of Primary Tritipyrum, Triticale and Bread Wheat Genotypes [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 93-112]


  • Qualitative and quantitative yield Effects of Sowing Date and Plant Density on Yield and its Components and Percentage of Seed Protein in Cultivars of Red Bean (phaseolus vulgaris L.) [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 1-14]


  • Rainfall Comparison of Quantitative and Qualitative Traits of Different Forage Vetch Species Under Rain-Fed and Supplemental Irrigation Conditions [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 13-26]
  • Rectangular lattice Evaluation of Genetic Diversity and Classification of Sunflower Recombinant Inbred Lines Using Agro-Morphological Traits [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 77-87]
  • Resistance Resistance Evaluation of Different Rice Varieties to Naranga aenescens Moore [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 1-12]
  • Resistance components Evaluation of partial resistance to Magnaporthe grisea Sacc. in rice cultivars at the seedling stage under upland nursery and greenhouse conditions [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 31-42]
  • Resistant and Sensitive Identification of Rust resistance among wheat cultiras using SSRs markers [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 79-88]
  • Rice fields Fauna of Some Beetles (Coleoptera) in North Rice Fields of Iran [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 79-90]
  • Rice (Oriza sativa L.) Evaluation of partial resistance to Magnaporthe grisea Sacc. in rice cultivars at the seedling stage under upland nursery and greenhouse conditions [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 31-42]
  • Rice stem borer Effect of Different Sources and Amounts of Silicon Fertilizer on Growth, Yield and Infestation Rate of Stem Borer in Two Rice Cultivars of Hashemi Tarom and 843 Lines [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 53-64]
  • Rice varieties Resistance Evaluation of Different Rice Varieties to Naranga aenescens Moore [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 1-12]
  • Root Evaluation of Diversity and Heritability of Some Morphological Traits in Bread Wheat under Stress and Normal Conditions [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 37-54]
  • Rust Identification of Rust resistance among wheat cultiras using SSRs markers [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 79-88]


  • Salcylic acid Effect of Salcylic acid (SA) on the photosynthesis, dry weight and canopy temperature in the cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) vegetative growth stage [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2011, Pages 41-50]
  • Scalogram statistical model The comparison and classification of the provinces according to horticulture sub-sector indices [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 89-102]
  • Seed oil and protein content The study of effect of zinc and boron foliar application on yield, yield components, seed oil and protein content and growth indices of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) in Khorramabad climatic conditions [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 1-16]
  • Seed protein Effects of manganese and zinc sulfate fertilizers on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of three irrigated wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties in Khorram Abad [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 33-42]
  • Seed yield Agronomical Traits and Yield of Sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) New Hybrids under Drought Stress [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 1-12]
  • Seed yield The effects of diferent fertilization methods on seed yield and yield components of lentil (lens culinaris) under Khorramabad climatic condition, Iran [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 1-14]
  • Seed yield The study of effect of zinc and boron foliar application on yield, yield components, seed oil and protein content and growth indices of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) in Khorramabad climatic conditions [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 1-16]
  • Semi-aquatic Heteroptera A study on the fauna of Heteroptera in aquatic ecosystems, with emphasize on aquatic and semi-aquatic bugs in paddy fields and around streams [Volume 3, Issue 7, 2011, Pages 89-96]
  • Shahed University Population flactuations of the sunn pest, Eurygaster integriceps (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) in the wheat and barley fields, and introducing of its important parasitoids in aestivation and hibernation shelters in Varamin and Shahre Rey, Iran [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2011, Pages 79-91]
  • Silicon Effect of different rate of silicate fertilizer on the growth and yield of Tarom Hashemi rice variety [Volume 3, Issue 7, 2011, Pages 28-40]
  • Silicon Effect of Different Sources and Amounts of Silicon Fertilizer on Growth, Yield and Infestation Rate of Stem Borer in Two Rice Cultivars of Hashemi Tarom and 843 Lines [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 53-64]
  • Sodium Effects of Phosphate Fertilizer and Less Irrigation on Grain Yield of the Forage Millet [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 27-38]
  • Soil salinity Effect of Soil Salinity Stress on Some Vegetative and Reproductive Traits of Sunflower Oil Varieties in Mahabad Conditions [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 55-66]
  • Soluble sugars Evaluation of Water Deficit on Morphological and Physiological Traits of Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L.) [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 1-12]
  • Sowing date Effects of Sowing Date and Plant Density on Yield and its Components and Percentage of Seed Protein in Cultivars of Red Bean (phaseolus vulgaris L.) [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 1-14]
  • Species Yield and Yield Components of Forage Vetch (Vicia spp.) as Affected by Different Plant Density and Species [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 35-48]
  • Stomata Effect of plant density on the stomata morphological structure and forage yield in three species of forage yield vetch (Vicia sp.) under dry farming conditions of khorramabad [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 17-32]
  • Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Agronomical Traits and Yield of Sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) New Hybrids under Drought Stress [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 1-12]


  • Tarom Hashemi Effect of different rate of silicate fertilizer on the growth and yield of Tarom Hashemi rice variety [Volume 3, Issue 7, 2011, Pages 28-40]
  • Tea (Camellia sinensis L) Using Earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris) to enhance tea (Camellia sinensis L.) yield [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 77-83]
  • Terminal moisture stress Evaluation of Tolerance to Terminal Moisture Stress in 20 Barley Promising Lines [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 79-92]
  • Triple superphosphate Effects of Phosphate Fertilizer and Less Irrigation on Grain Yield of the Forage Millet [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 27-38]
  • Triple supper phosphate fertilizer Effect of phosphate biofertilizer Barvar-2 and triple super phosphate fertilizer on yield, quality and nutrient uptake of Medicago scutellata, cv. Robinson [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 43-54]


  • Variety Population Dynamics of Immature Stages of Chilo suppressalis Walker (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) on Different Rice Varieties in Mazandaran, Iran [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 73-84]


  • Water deficit Evaluation of Water Deficit on Morphological and Physiological Traits of Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L.) [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 1-12]
  • Weed The Effect of Weeding and Plant Density on Yield and Yield Components of Forage Sorghum Cultivars [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 39-52]
  • Weed management The effects of different time of weed control on yield and yield components of corn (Zea mays L.) Hybrids in different densities [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 67-78]
  • Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Identification of Rust resistance among wheat cultiras using SSRs markers [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 79-88]
  • Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield Effects of manganese and zinc sulfate fertilizers on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of three irrigated wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties in Khorram Abad [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 33-42]


  • Yield components Yield and Yield Components of Forage Vetch (Vicia spp.) as Affected by Different Plant Density and Species [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 35-48]
  • Yield components The effects of diferent fertilization methods on seed yield and yield components of lentil (lens culinaris) under Khorramabad climatic condition, Iran [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 1-14]
  • Yield components The effects plant density and cultivar on yield and yield component of corn (Zea mays L.) [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 43-52]
  • Yield components Effect of different rate of silicate fertilizer on the growth and yield of Tarom Hashemi rice variety [Volume 3, Issue 7, 2011, Pages 28-40]
  • Yield prediction Model Fitting of Growth Pattern of Sunflower Head in Lakomka and Progress Varieties Under Dryland Condition [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 65-76]


  • Zea mays The effect of nitrogen pellet fertilizer on the grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency in corn (Zea mays L.), S.C 704 [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 27-38]
  • Zinc sulfate Effects of manganese and zinc sulfate fertilizers on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of three irrigated wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties in Khorram Abad [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 33-42]
  • Zinc sulphate The study of effect of zinc and boron foliar application on yield, yield components, seed oil and protein content and growth indices of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) in Khorramabad climatic conditions [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 1-16]